the nil nil football betting system

Introduction……….Thank you for purchasing my betting system. Let me take a little time toexplain…… I have used many betting systems most of which I purchased from EBay. Some were good, some were bad. Many of the good ones fell into two categories. 1) High profit but high risk - (If your first couple of bets don’t come off then you are on to a loser straight away. 2) Low risk but low profit - (Almost guaranteed to win but unless you have a million pounds to put onthere is no point)I think you will find that this system hits halfway in between. The profits are modest (not too modest!) but consistent.

So How Does It Work?This betting system is cleverly devised so that you will ever only ever lose a bet if the match you bet on finishes 0-0, on average around 1 in 12 matches finish with no goals, but of course you choose the matches you bet on so youcan decide which matches you predict there will be at least 1 goal in.If you don’t know much about football, don’t worry, you don’t need to, to decide which matches you bet on you can check the football league tables on tele-text or on the net, the tables show how many goals each team has scored and let in, and just stay clear of the teams with low numbers inboth.Just using this method will lower the chance of the matches you choose finishing 0-0 from 12-1 to at least 15-1 (14.15 winning bets).
How Much Can You Win?Obviously the amount you win depends on the amount you bet, I have used this system myself for the past 2 years, and my win rate has been 16 out of 17, my average win amount has been £48.76 per bet, and my average loss amount has been £240 per bet. So from an average of 17 bets I have won £780.16 and lost £240.00…

£780.16 - £240.00 = £540.16 or £31.77 per bet.
Of course you can double your stake amount and win twice as much, your minimum stake amount you can bet is just £2 per match, so if you want to start off small and build it up, like I did, you can do.So What Do You Need To Start?
All you need to access this system is internet access, and a betting account with, for those of you that don’t know, Betfair is an onlinebetting exchange, which means instead of betting against the bookmakeryou are betting against other people like you who also have an account withBetfair.
For a bet to be placed on Betfair, there must be a ‘backer’ and a ‘layer’, the backer predicts what they bet on will win, and the layer predicts what they bet on will lose. At a traditional bookmakers such as William Hill or Ladbrokes you can obviously only back an outcome as the bookmakers
always lay an outcome by taking peoples bets.
always lay an outcome by taking peoples bets. always lay an outcome by taking peoples bets.
I’m sure a lot of you reading this will already know about lay betting but I appreciate not everyone will, if you are still unsure about anything to do with Betfair I will always be happy to answer any questions you may have.

An Example
Arse             1.82    1.84Manu           3.95    4.00Draw            3.30    3.35The numbers on the left are the odds for backing the outcome, and thenumbers on the right are the odds to lay the outcome. If you are unfamiliar with the odds format don’t worry its simple, when backing an outcome the odds tell you how much money would be returned if you win, including your stake back, so if you for example backed ManU to win @ odds of 3.95 and you staked £1, and ManU won you would receive £3.95 so your win amount would be £2.95 per £1 stake.

When laying the outcome the odds tell you hoe much money you are liable to lose if the outcome you lay wins, so if you layed ManU @ odds of 4.00 and you layed £1, and ManU won you would lose £3 per £1 stake. If ManU lost or it was a draw you would claim the backers £1 stake.
Now Let Me Explain The SystemOn Betfair the odds are changing all the time, although unlike horse racing with football betting the odds before kick-off will not change very much. Well that is until after kick-off you see on every live match you can bet ‘in running’, which means while the match is being played.
Being able to lay outcomes as well as back, and being able to bet ‘in running’ are both key factors to this system. 

Another Example
Newc           1.68    1.70Midd            3.50    3.55Draw            3.35    3.40Ok, so you have chosen this match to bet on as you feel there is a low chance of a 0-0 finish.Firstly you must lay the draw even before the match has kicked off, say you lay £100 @ 3.40, you would be liable to lose £240 if it finishes a draw, or win £100 if either team win.
In this case the match starts off slow as many do with Newcastle having the best of it, and they reap the rewards in the 61st minute with a well deserved goal, the odds now change to:

Newc           1.26    1.28Midd            14.00 15.00Draw            6.40    6.60Ok you are ready to execute the system, you still stand to lose £240 ifMiddlesborough equalise, but if you back the draw @ 6.40 just enough to cover your losses if the game does finish as a draw, then you will end up with a very nice free bet. To work out what you need to bet to exactly cover your losses you mist use this simple equation:
Your liability divided by Back odds (-1) = Stake Amount Or£240 divided by 5.40 (6.40 - 1) = £44.44

So if you now back the draw at odds of 6.4 with a stake of £44.44, you will be in this position:

Newc win     = £55.56 (£100 - £44.44)Midd win      = £55.56 (£100 - £44.44)Draw            = £0 (£240 - £240)Ok so at this stage you are not risking losing anything, you can only gain £55.55 if Newcastle or Middlesborough win, and the odds now at 1.26 for the Newcastle win your chances of winning are very high.
So the job has been done, now you just sit back and relax, wait for the final whistle, and you winnings will be credited to your account usually within 10 minutes  I hope you have found this information useful the system has provensuccessful for me and I’m sure it will for you too… any questions you have ill be happy to answer. 
So How Does It Work?This betting system is cleverly devised so that you will ever only ever lose a bet if the match you bet on finishes 0-0, on average around 1 in 12 matches finish with no goals, but of course you choose the matches you bet on so youcan decide which matches you predict there will be at least 1 goal in.If you don’t know much about football, don’t worry, you don’t need to, to decide which matches you bet on you can check the football league tables on tele-text or on the net, the tables show how many goals each team has scored and let in, and just stay clear of the teams with low numbers inboth.Just using this method will lower the chance of the matches you choose finishing 0-0 from 12-1 to at least 15-1 (14.15 winning bets).
How Much Can You Win?Obviously the amount you win depends on the amount you bet, I have used this system myself for the past 2 years, and my win rate has been 16 out of 17, my average win amount has been £48.76 per bet, and my average loss amount has been £240 per bet. So from an average of 17 bets I have won £780.16 and lost £240.00…

£780.16 - £240.00 = £540.16 or £31.77 per bet.
Of course you can double your stake amount and win twice as much, your minimum stake amount you can bet is just £2 per match, so if you want to start off small and build it up, like I did, you can do.So What Do You Need To Start?
All you need to access this system is internet access, and a betting account with, for those of you that don’t know, Betfair is an onlinebetting exchange, which means instead of betting against the bookmakeryou are betting against other people like you who also have an account withBetfair.
For a bet to be placed on Betfair, there must be a ‘backer’ and a ‘layer’, the backer predicts what they bet on will win, and the layer predicts what they bet on will lose. At a traditional bookmakers such as William Hill or Ladbrokes you can obviously only back an outcome as the bookmakers
always lay an outcome by taking peoples bets.
always lay an outcome by taking peoples bets. always lay an outcome by taking peoples bets.
I’m sure a lot of you reading this will already know about lay betting but I appreciate not everyone will, if you are still unsure about anything to do with Betfair I will always be happy to answer any questions you may have.

An Example
Arse             1.82    1.84Manu           3.95    4.00Draw            3.30    3.35The numbers on the left are the odds for backing the outcome, and thenumbers on the right are the odds to lay the outcome. If you are unfamiliar with the odds format don’t worry its simple, when backing an outcome the odds tell you how much money would be returned if you win, including your stake back, so if you for example backed ManU to win @ odds of 3.95 and you staked £1, and ManU won you would receive £3.95 so your win amount would be £2.95 per £1 stake.

When laying the outcome the odds tell you hoe much money you are liable to lose if the outcome you lay wins, so if you layed ManU @ odds of 4.00 and you layed £1, and ManU won you would lose £3 per £1 stake. If ManU lost or it was a draw you would claim the backers £1 stake.
Now Let Me Explain The SystemOn Betfair the odds are changing all the time, although unlike horse racing with football betting the odds before kick-off will not change very much. Well that is until after kick-off you see on every live match you can bet ‘in running’, which means while the match is being played.
Being able to lay outcomes as well as back, and being able to bet ‘in running’ are both key factors to this system. 

Another Example
Newc           1.68    1.70Midd            3.50    3.55Draw            3.35    3.40Ok, so you have chosen this match to bet on as you feel there is a low chance of a 0-0 finish.Firstly you must lay the draw even before the match has kicked off, say you lay £100 @ 3.40, you would be liable to lose £240 if it finishes a draw, or win £100 if either team win.
In this case the match starts off slow as many do with Newcastle having the best of it, and they reap the rewards in the 61st minute with a well deserved goal, the odds now change to:

Newc           1.26    1.28Midd            14.00 15.00Draw            6.40    6.60Ok you are ready to execute the system, you still stand to lose £240 ifMiddlesborough equalise, but if you back the draw @ 6.40 just enough to cover your losses if the game does finish as a draw, then you will end up with a very nice free bet. To work out what you need to bet to exactly cover your losses you mist use this simple equation:
Your liability divided by Back odds (-1) = Stake Amount Or£240 divided by 5.40 (6.40 - 1) = £44.44

So if you now back the draw at odds of 6.4 with a stake of £44.44, you will be in this position:

Newc win     = £55.56 (£100 - £44.44)Midd win      = £55.56 (£100 - £44.44)Draw            = £0 (£240 - £240)Ok so at this stage you are not risking losing anything, you can only gain £55.55 if Newcastle or Middlesborough win, and the odds now at 1.26 for the Newcastle win your chances of winning are very high.
So the job has been done, now you just sit back and relax, wait for the final whistle, and you winnings will be credited to your account usually within 10 minutes  I hope you have found this information useful the system has provensuccessful for me and I’m sure it will for you too… any questions you have ill be happy to answer. 
£780.16 - £240.00 = £540.16 or £31.77 per bet.
Of course you can double your stake amount and win twice as much, your minimum stake amount you can bet is just £2 per match, so if you want to start off small and build it up, like I did, you can do.So What Do You Need To Start?
All you need to access this system is internet access, and a betting account with, for those of you that don’t know, Betfair is an onlinebetting exchange, which means instead of betting against the bookmakeryou are betting against other people like you who also have an account withBetfair.
For a bet to be placed on Betfair, there must be a ‘backer’ and a ‘layer’, the backer predicts what they bet on will win, and the layer predicts what they bet on will lose. At a traditional bookmakers such as William Hill or Ladbrokes you can obviously only back an outcome as the bookmakers
always lay an outcome by taking peoples bets.
always lay an outcome by taking peoples bets.
always lay an outcome by taking peoples bets. always lay an outcome by taking peoples bets.
I’m sure a lot of you reading this will already know about lay betting but I appreciate not everyone will, if you are still unsure about anything to do with Betfair I will always be happy to answer any questions you may have.
An Example
Arse             1.82    1.84Manu           3.95    4.00Draw            3.30    3.35The numbers on the left are the odds for backing the outcome, and thenumbers on the right are the odds to lay the outcome. If you are unfamiliar with the odds format don’t worry its simple, when backing an outcome the odds tell you how much money would be returned if you win, including your stake back, so if you for example backed ManU to win @ odds of 3.95 and you staked £1, and ManU won you would receive £3.95 so your win amount would be £2.95 per £1 stake.

When laying the outcome the odds tell you hoe much money you are liable to lose if the outcome you lay wins, so if you layed ManU @ odds of 4.00 and you layed £1, and ManU won you would lose £3 per £1 stake. If ManU lost or it was a draw you would claim the backers £1 stake.
Now Let Me Explain The SystemOn Betfair the odds are changing all the time, although unlike horse racing with football betting the odds before kick-off will not change very much. Well that is until after kick-off you see on every live match you can bet ‘in running’, which means while the match is being played.
Being able to lay outcomes as well as back, and being able to bet ‘in running’ are both key factors to this system. 

Another Example
Newc           1.68    1.70Midd            3.50    3.55Draw            3.35    3.40Ok, so you have chosen this match to bet on as you feel there is a low chance of a 0-0 finish.Firstly you must lay the draw even before the match has kicked off, say you lay £100 @ 3.40, you would be liable to lose £240 if it finishes a draw, or win £100 if either team win.
In this case the match starts off slow as many do with Newcastle having the best of it, and they reap the rewards in the 61st minute with a well deserved goal, the odds now change to:

Newc           1.26    1.28Midd            14.00 15.00Draw            6.40    6.60Ok you are ready to execute the system, you still stand to lose £240 ifMiddlesborough equalise, but if you back the draw @ 6.40 just enough to cover your losses if the game does finish as a draw, then you will end up with a very nice free bet. To work out what you need to bet to exactly cover your losses you mist use this simple equation:
Your liability divided by Back odds (-1) = Stake Amount Or£240 divided by 5.40 (6.40 - 1) = £44.44

So if you now back the draw at odds of 6.4 with a stake of £44.44, you will be in this position:

Newc win     = £55.56 (£100 - £44.44)Midd win      = £55.56 (£100 - £44.44)Draw            = £0 (£240 - £240)Ok so at this stage you are not risking losing anything, you can only gain £55.55 if Newcastle or Middlesborough win, and the odds now at 1.26 for the Newcastle win your chances of winning are very high.
So the job has been done, now you just sit back and relax, wait for the final whistle, and you winnings will be credited to your account usually within 10 minutes  I hope you have found this information useful the system has provensuccessful for me and I’m sure it will for you too… any questions you have ill be happy to answer. 
An Example
Arse             1.82    1.84Manu           3.95    4.00Draw            3.30    3.35The numbers on the left are the odds for backing the outcome, and thenumbers on the right are the odds to lay the outcome. If you are unfamiliar with the odds format don’t worry its simple, when backing an outcome the odds tell you how much money would be returned if you win, including your stake back, so if you for example backed ManU to win @ odds of 3.95 and you staked £1, and ManU won you would receive £3.95 so your win amount would be £2.95 per £1 stake.

When laying the outcome the odds tell you hoe much money you are liable to lose if the outcome you lay wins, so if you layed ManU @ odds of 4.00 and you layed £1, and ManU won you would lose £3 per £1 stake. If ManU lost or it was a draw you would claim the backers £1 stake.
Now Let Me Explain The SystemOn Betfair the odds are changing all the time, although unlike horse racing with football betting the odds before kick-off will not change very much. Well that is until after kick-off you see on every live match you can bet ‘in running’, which means while the match is being played.
Being able to lay outcomes as well as back, and being able to bet ‘in running’ are both key factors to this system. 

Another Example
Newc           1.68    1.70Midd            3.50    3.55Draw            3.35    3.40Ok, so you have chosen this match to bet on as you feel there is a low chance of a 0-0 finish.Firstly you must lay the draw even before the match has kicked off, say you lay £100 @ 3.40, you would be liable to lose £240 if it finishes a draw, or win £100 if either team win.
In this case the match starts off slow as many do with Newcastle having the best of it, and they reap the rewards in the 61st minute with a well deserved goal, the odds now change to:

Newc           1.26    1.28Midd            14.00 15.00Draw            6.40    6.60Ok you are ready to execute the system, you still stand to lose £240 ifMiddlesborough equalise, but if you back the draw @ 6.40 just enough to cover your losses if the game does finish as a draw, then you will end up with a very nice free bet. To work out what you need to bet to exactly cover your losses you mist use this simple equation:
Your liability divided by Back odds (-1) = Stake Amount Or£240 divided by 5.40 (6.40 - 1) = £44.44

So if you now back the draw at odds of 6.4 with a stake of £44.44, you will be in this position:

Newc win     = £55.56 (£100 - £44.44)Midd win      = £55.56 (£100 - £44.44)Draw            = £0 (£240 - £240)Ok so at this stage you are not risking losing anything, you can only gain £55.55 if Newcastle or Middlesborough win, and the odds now at 1.26 for the Newcastle win your chances of winning are very high.
So the job has been done, now you just sit back and relax, wait for the final whistle, and you winnings will be credited to your account usually within 10 minutes  I hope you have found this information useful the system has provensuccessful for me and I’m sure it will for you too… any questions you have ill be happy to answer. 
When laying the outcome the odds tell you hoe much money you are liable to lose if the outcome you lay wins, so if you layed ManU @ odds of 4.00 and you layed £1, and ManU won you would lose £3 per £1 stake. If ManU lost or it was a draw you would claim the backers £1 stake.
Now Let Me Explain The SystemOn Betfair the odds are changing all the time, although unlike horse racing with football betting the odds before kick-off will not change very much. Well that is until after kick-off you see on every live match you can bet ‘in running’, which means while the match is being played.
Being able to lay outcomes as well as back, and being able to bet ‘in running’ are both key factors to this system. 
Another Example
Newc           1.68    1.70Midd            3.50    3.55Draw            3.35    3.40Ok, so you have chosen this match to bet on as you feel there is a low chance of a 0-0 finish.Firstly you must lay the draw even before the match has kicked off, say you lay £100 @ 3.40, you would be liable to lose £240 if it finishes a draw, or win £100 if either team win.
In this case the match starts off slow as many do with Newcastle having the best of it, and they reap the rewards in the 61st minute with a well deserved goal, the odds now change to:

Newc           1.26    1.28Midd            14.00 15.00Draw            6.40    6.60Ok you are ready to execute the system, you still stand to lose £240 ifMiddlesborough equalise, but if you back the draw @ 6.40 just enough to cover your losses if the game does finish as a draw, then you will end up with a very nice free bet. To work out what you need to bet to exactly cover your losses you mist use this simple equation:
Your liability divided by Back odds (-1) = Stake Amount Or£240 divided by 5.40 (6.40 - 1) = £44.44

So if you now back the draw at odds of 6.4 with a stake of £44.44, you will be in this position:

Newc win     = £55.56 (£100 - £44.44)Midd win      = £55.56 (£100 - £44.44)Draw            = £0 (£240 - £240)Ok so at this stage you are not risking losing anything, you can only gain £55.55 if Newcastle or Middlesborough win, and the odds now at 1.26 for the Newcastle win your chances of winning are very high.
So the job has been done, now you just sit back and relax, wait for the final whistle, and you winnings will be credited to your account usually within 10 minutes  I hope you have found this information useful the system has provensuccessful for me and I’m sure it will for you too… any questions you have ill be happy to answer. 
Another Example
Newc           1.68    1.70Midd            3.50    3.55Draw            3.35    3.40Ok, so you have chosen this match to bet on as you feel there is a low chance of a 0-0 finish.Firstly you must lay the draw even before the match has kicked off, say you lay £100 @ 3.40, you would be liable to lose £240 if it finishes a draw, or win £100 if either team win.
In this case the match starts off slow as many do with Newcastle having the best of it, and they reap the rewards in the 61st minute with a well deserved goal, the odds now change to:

Newc           1.26    1.28Midd            14.00 15.00Draw            6.40    6.60Ok you are ready to execute the system, you still stand to lose £240 ifMiddlesborough equalise, but if you back the draw @ 6.40 just enough to cover your losses if the game does finish as a draw, then you will end up with a very nice free bet. To work out what you need to bet to exactly cover your losses you mist use this simple equation:
Your liability divided by Back odds (-1) = Stake Amount Or£240 divided by 5.40 (6.40 - 1) = £44.44

So if you now back the draw at odds of 6.4 with a stake of £44.44, you will be in this position:

Newc win     = £55.56 (£100 - £44.44)Midd win      = £55.56 (£100 - £44.44)Draw            = £0 (£240 - £240)Ok so at this stage you are not risking losing anything, you can only gain £55.55 if Newcastle or Middlesborough win, and the odds now at 1.26 for the Newcastle win your chances of winning are very high.
So the job has been done, now you just sit back and relax, wait for the final whistle, and you winnings will be credited to your account usually within 10 minutes  I hope you have found this information useful the system has provensuccessful for me and I’m sure it will for you too… any questions you have ill be happy to answer. 
Newc           1.26    1.28Midd            14.00 15.00Draw            6.40    6.60Ok you are ready to execute the system, you still stand to lose £240 ifMiddlesborough equalise, but if you back the draw @ 6.40 just enough to cover your losses if the game does finish as a draw, then you will end up with a very nice free bet. To work out what you need to bet to exactly cover your losses you mist use this simple equation:
Your liability divided by Back odds (-1) = Stake Amount Or£240 divided by 5.40 (6.40 - 1) = £44.44
So if you now back the draw at odds of 6.4 with a stake of £44.44, you will be in this position:

Newc win     = £55.56 (£100 - £44.44)Midd win      = £55.56 (£100 - £44.44)Draw            = £0 (£240 - £240)Ok so at this stage you are not risking losing anything, you can only gain £55.55 if Newcastle or Middlesborough win, and the odds now at 1.26 for the Newcastle win your chances of winning are very high.
So the job has been done, now you just sit back and relax, wait for the final whistle, and you winnings will be credited to your account usually within 10 minutes  I hope you have found this information useful the system has provensuccessful for me and I’m sure it will for you too… any questions you have ill be happy to answer. 
So if you now back the draw at odds of 6.4 with a stake of £44.44, you will be in this position:

Newc win     = £55.56 (£100 - £44.44)Midd win      = £55.56 (£100 - £44.44)Draw            = £0 (£240 - £240)Ok so at this stage you are not risking losing anything, you can only gain £55.55 if Newcastle or Middlesborough win, and the odds now at 1.26 for the Newcastle win your chances of winning are very high.
So the job has been done, now you just sit back and relax, wait for the final whistle, and you winnings will be credited to your account usually within 10 minutes  I hope you have found this information useful the system has provensuccessful for me and I’m sure it will for you too… any questions you have ill be happy to answer. 
Newc win     = £55.56 (£100 - £44.44)Midd win      = £55.56 (£100 - £44.44)Draw            = £0 (£240 - £240)Ok so at this stage you are not risking losing anything, you can only gain £55.55 if Newcastle or Middlesborough win, and the odds now at 1.26 for the Newcastle win your chances of winning are very high.
So the job has been done, now you just sit back and relax, wait for the final whistle, and you winnings will be credited to your account usually within 10 minutes  I hope you have found this information useful the system has provensuccessful for me and I’m sure it will for you too… any questions you have ill be happy to answer. 

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