Please note that this publication is the result of nearly four years work, research and, very often sleepless nights.
I fully appreciate that, like myself, the vast majority of people cannot help but "cut to the chase" and flick over to find the "juicy bits", but please, do be patient and read the publication in order as it was intended, from front to back.
I can assure you that by doing this you will gain far more benefit. I have tried to keep the publication as short as I possibly can. It has been re written on no fewer than nine separate occasion in order that I could edit out small bits and pieces I believed that it was safe to delete, without devaluing the publication in any way.
I always work on principal of "now, what would I think". By that I mean that I always try to put into practice what I personally would like, rather than what I would dislike, because, quite simply I believe that, generally speaking, the majority of people do tend to like the same things.
I know for example that I dislike having to read through page after page of padding to reach the end result, and I believe that most people feel the same way hence, this entire publication is now covered in just seven sections instead of the original fourteen it started out at nine manuscripts ago.
All I am really saying is, a lot of hard work and effort has gone into the making of this guide and, at the end of the day, I know that it is going to be of enormous benefit to you, so please do me the small favor of reading it the way it was intended and I promise it will be worth it thousands of times over.
Thanks again for purchasing this publication, I know that you will not regret it, now, let's move on.
The Objective
So, what is this about?
Well, of course, it's about making money. No one goes into their local bookmakers expecting to lose, but of course most of the time that is exactly what they do, it isn't a phrase that I like, but the bookmakers would call these customers "mug punters", a phrase you will doubtless be all too aware of and this phrase applies to, quite literally. 99% of the betting public. This is why bookmakers, even smaller ones, make a very good living out of the British public. I said "even the smaller ones" because there used to be a popular misconception that, for some reason, smaller independent bookies didn't make much money but, there was no reason for this, especially if they were "laying off" large and potentially damaging bets with the larger firms.
Bookies set the odds, everything is stacked in their favor, they should make money, all the time and, generally speaking, they do. All the poor old beleaguered punter can do try to level out the playing field (forgive the pun) to some degree and that is where I, or more specifically this publication comes into play.
As you read through these pages you will note that one word is used constantly and that word is consistently, the most important word throughout.
I am going to show you how to make money from football betting consistently, how to win consistently, time after time, week after week, simply. There is nothing complicated in what I am going to tell you, no rocket science, no multiple accumulators, certainly no spread betting. All it will take is about ten to fifteen minutes of your time each Saturday morning, or Midweek if there is a big enough program to allow for a bet, and I will show you how to win, consistently. Eventually you will get sick of that word, but you shouldn't be, because therein lies the key.
I will show exactly, and in great detail, exactly what I do to make myself, on average, about £400 per week, consistently. In actual fact, that would only be an average week too. If I could find slightly better odds then this would increase to as much as £800 or even more, but, erring on the side of caution, I would say £500 is not too far off the mark, and remember this is Saturday/Sunday only and does not include Midweek fixtures.
So you can see that the opportunity does exist to make profits consistently, it is quite simply knowing how to do this, and that is precisely what I am about to show you as you read on.
Another important point to note is that it is very unlikely that you will make profits on the same scale that I do and there is a very good reason for that, as I will explain later on, but do be assured, this is nothing to do with me giving you a different set of rules to the ones that I use, you will, if you carry out the advise given in the later pages, do exactly what I do week in week out to make consistent profits.
Before we go on, Just a bit more about what I do
I have placed bets literally all of my adult life, spanning some thirty years and, I am now, I suppose what you could call a professional gambler.
I am not about to introduce myself formally within this publication for reason that I am not prepared to divulge, other than to say it is somewhat sensitive to my relationship with the nations bookmakers.
I am, by profession, a Certified Accountant and have worked in that profession all of my working life. Being in this line of work, and being a great lover of figures and statistics introduced me into gambling, horseracing initially, at the age of around 18 or 19, and I quickly became dedicated to creating for myself the optimum chance of winning.
The strange thing was, and still is, even more so today, that, I have no love of gambling, I never had, to me it was simply a means to an end, a way to make a considerable amount of money, easily, tax free, well not quite in those early days, since bets were taxed, but you get my drift.
I can understand the "buzz" that people get from betting, I used to see it close up when I spent long, long hours in bookies shops pouring over form and statistics. These days with the arrival of telephone and online betting I scarcely ever set foot in a bookies and I don't miss it at all, frankly, I used to hate the places, I had to be there, but I could never understand how people obviously enjoyed it, even when they were consistently losing. I understand the excitement, but I don't see how anyone can derive pleasure from standing in a smoky, grimy bookies shop, and believe me, they have come on a great deal since I started out.
This is not to say that I enjoyed spending any great amount of time studying form or placing bets online or by phone either, I don't. As I sat, it is STRICTLY a means to an end for me and that is the major reason why, about eight years ago I began to move away from horse race betting and studied football match betting.
Horse racing is fine and, I certainly made plenty of profit from it over a 20 year period but, it is very time consuming, if you are going to take it seriously. I was often up literally all night pouring over form and statistics. There really is so much to take in, every horse has to be analysed, and I mean every horse, jockeys had to be scrutinised, even at which circuits certain horses were running because, believe me, many horses do not like certain circuits. All these things took up so much time and, finally, having drifted slowly into football betting, I discovered that I could make profits consistently, just like with horses, but with much less effort.
For 4 years I continued with horses in real betting terms whilst I played my football betting studies into "paper betting" making adjustments here and there as I went along and quickly realised that I could make substantial profit on a consistent basis, just like horses, but, where the horse racing could take up thirty hours work every week, to make a similar level of profit betting on football matches took me only about half an hour a week, maybe sometimes twice a week if there was a large enough Midweek Program.
Finally, I gave up on the horse racing and now I am in my 4th season of betting exclusively on football, I have toned down the half hour into about twenty minutes now on a Saturday morning, same again if there are enough Midweek fixtures to make it work and, well, I will show you the profits made so far this season later on in the publication.
If I was able to explain how to make money in horse racing, I could write three thousand pages and people still would not be able to put into practice what I had written, football is easy, anyone can do this, and if you follow exactly what I tell you as we go on, you will find that you make money quickly, easily and, here's that word yet again, consistently.
Anyway, I think that is enough about me, let's now really move on to what this publication is all about, making some real money!
The season so far...
So far this football season (2006/07) up to 31st January 2006, I have placed 24 bets. This includes midweek fixtures, when there have been enough matches to allow my system to work, and also a couple of international fixtures lists, (let's not forget about those!)
I was a little surprised by this fact, 24 bets doesn't really seem too many but, part of the reason for this is that, I did not have to bet until the season was 6 weeks old. The reason for this is quite simple, with the exception of a handful of sides, all kinds of results happen during the first few weeks of a season. I did track this on period on paper and, actually did not do too badly, but, previous experience tells me that this is a particularly bad time to operate this system and so, as previously, I left this period alone.
By the end of the 2006/07 season I estimate that I will probably have struck around 38 bets, perhaps 40, and this falls very much in line with previous seasons. Really, in many ways, this is what makes football betting, for me, so much more better than horse betting where I would usually have something like 40 bets per month.
Believe me, that is a lot of hard work to be successful, and what makes this system so beautifully easy and stress free.
Anyhow, before I go on to explain the actual betting process and explain the system fully in order to show you how to consistently make profits, below, I have tabled a list of my results so far this season.
Profit/Loss Date
Weekend 9/10 September 2006
Midweek 13 September 2006
| Weekend 16/17 September 2006 |
| Midweek 20 September 2006 |
Weekend 23/24 September 2006
Midweek 27 September 2006
Weekend 1/2 October 2006
Weekend 14/15 October 2006
Midweek 18 October 2006
Weekend 21/22 October 2006
Midweek 25 October 2006
Weekend 28/29 October 2006
Weekend 4/5 November 2006
Midweek 14/15 November 2006
Weekend 25/26 November 2006
Midweek 29 November 2006
Weekend 2/3 December 2006
Weekend 9/10 December 2006
Weekend 16/17 December 2006
Sunday 24 December 2006
Wednesday 27 December 2006
Weekend 6/7January 2007
Weekend 13/14 January 2007
Weekend 27/28 January 2007
These results represent an overall profit of £10615.58 during this particular period, which equates to the sum of £442.32 profit per bet.
Assuming, as I said earlier in this section, that, by the end of the season I have struck between 38 to 40 bets, let's say 38, that would give me a profit for the season, assuming that I made the same profit levels for the remaining period and, frankly, I would really hope to increase these slightly to around the £600 mark, of somewhere around £16,000 which would in fact be slightly down on last season, but even so, I am sure you will agree, a very, very handy second income.
How to select your teams
Quite obviously, any bet struck is only as good as your selections and, again obviously this is where 99.9% of the betting public come undone.
A popular fault is making too many selections, and particularly so in football. I have seen people placing all kinds of weird and wonderful bets, massive accumulators, as many as 12 or even 14 selections.
How on earth can anyone win on this type of bet, other than the bookmaker? Using so many selections is always going to come unstuck somewhere. You will see occasionally in the newspaper, a story about some guy who was a huge amount on a massive accumulator, quite often spread over several months. Believe me, this type of win has about the same winning odds as a lottery victory.
The bookmakers love the story of course, after all, the average punter ready this and things, "that could be me", of course though it never is, and the bookmaker gets back all the money he had to pay out on that "chance" win, and a good deal more besides. So you see, the occasional, very occasional, large payout does the bookie no harm whatsoever in the long term, but, if you seriously think that you can get lucky in this way then you should not be reading this publication. As I have said all along, the only thing I am interested in is making consistent profits, week in, week out.
So how do I go about selecting my bet? Right, this is where we get into the really interesting stuff.
All my football bets are placed using only three teams, that's right, just three. As I said, the more selections you use, the less chance you have, believe me, I have done all the homework, all the profits I make, every bet, involves just 3 teams.
Which 3 teams I select is really quite a simple process, well, now it is anyway. It initially involved a lot of time, effort, and for a long period, paper betting. That in itself is a very frustrating process, especially when you can see the results being established and profits that you "could" have been making, but, like any system it has to be thoroughly tested and fine tuned before being used. Now you don't need to exercise patience, because all the testing has been done and you can start with confidence.
You will find that, particularly on Saturday, if you buy a morning paper, the Sun is a good example, their centre pages special football pull out will include a complete schedule of all the weekends games, both English and Scottish, together with a comprehensive lists of bookmakers odds, this, I think, covers the top ten bookmakers and you find that odds do fluctuate between different bookmakers. I do not tend to worry too much about that, I have found that, over the course of the season, these things tend to even each other out. Look down that list and look at the various odds. You will see that odds on many home teams are simply too cramped, impossible to bet on. This is particularly greedy on behalf of the bookmakers and is a subject regularly taken up by the betting correspondents, but, there is a way to get back at the bookies without being forced to accept ludicrously cramped odds and, there is also a particular type of bet that makes this work very well indeed, as you can see from my results.
Quite simply, ignore the home teams, completely. Concentrate only on the away sides. You will find that there will be invariably 3 or 4, occasionally a few more, away sides who will be odds on to win. Forget about scores, forecasts, first goal scorers and all those things, you are looking for away teams being odds on to win.
If, on any particular week, there are only 3 such opportunities, then that is your bet, those 3 teams, (I will show you the correct bet to use in the next section) and that is all.
If this happens, then it should be a particularly easy week, you will have had to do nothing other than simply pick out these 3 sides and place your bet, but, what happens if there are more than 3 away sides at odds on to win?
Well, then you have a little bit of work to do, and I must admit, I prefer the situation of having more than 3 sides to select from. The reason for my preference of this situation is that I feel by actually having to select, then my bet is stronger, I have even more certainty in my mind. It is no coincidence that on the rare occasions when a bet goes down it will invariably be on the week when there is only 3 to select from. When there are 4 or 5, you need to study form just a little. Look at the league tables and, more importantly, look at some current form tables over, say the last 6 games. These will tell you which teams are hot and which are not, you are then ready to select your 3 odds on to win away teams.
The only bet to use
Alright, So you have your 3 odds on to win away sides selected and it is now time to place a bet, but what type of bet?
There are so many different types of bet, singles, doubles, accumulators etc, but, having tried out so many, the one that works for me and the one that I use every time, in every bet, (forgive me, I know that many people know all about different types of bet, but I have to explain this fully for any novices) is a bet known as a "trixie".
This is, I have found, the perfect bet for this system. This is a four bet mini accumulator involving your three teams.
You may recall very early in this publication I said that I would not expect you to realise the same amount of profit that I do, and for this there is a very simple reason.
At this stage, I would not expect you to stake the same amount of money that I stake each time I bet. I am not saying that everyone wouldn't, but I doubt whether most would, not initially anyway. Most people like to build up in a smaller way until their own confidence in the system is such, and their funds have build up to an extent that, they will place larger bets and, in turn, realise much larger profits.
At the present time I place each and every bet on a £75 trixie, therefore this means that, being four bets, I stakes £300 on each bet I make, but, then again, I don't really consider it a bet, my confidence in this system is such that, I look on it simply as investing a sum of money in order to make on outstanding return. Next season, I will increase my stake again, maybe to £500 per bet, ie a £125 trixie.
If however, you only wished to place, say, a £10 trixie, you would still make consistent profits and, if you placed the cash you made in a separate account, as your confidence grew you could then place larger bets and increase your profits until, in the space of a relatively short space of time you would be placing bets at the same level as mine, or even perhaps beyond.
Obviously, the odds on the 3 teams you select will vary from bet to bet, but, as already said these will always be at odds on, and always on the away side. Never, ever, deviate from this system, it simply does not work. Your winnings therefore will fluctuate considerably from week to week.
For example, one week your 3 selections might be at odds of say, 2/5, 4/7, and 1/2, although this would be quite rare, away odds are usually much better than this except in quite rare circumstances, however, if these were your odds, your winnings would be £446, however, at far more realistic odds of, lets say, 4/5, 10/11, and 8/11, then your winnings would be £883 these are based on my betting stakes of £300, (ie £75 trixie) therefore, you can see how your profits could fluctuate from week to week, and this is why I keep using that word, consistently, and keep talking about average weekly profit. As I have said previously, and from my profits to date, I am currently averaging around £440 per bet. If you were to stake less then, of course, your weekly profits would reduce accordingly, but as I am sure you can now see, the principle is precisely the same.
The way to work this system successfully, as I have said earlier, is to start small and watch your winnings grow until the time you are ready to start placing bigger odds. In this respect, I was lucky in that having done the homework, I was in a position to start immediately placing larger bets. I would not expect you to do this, although, if you wish to then absolutely fine, you would be making the same level of profit as mine from day one.
Just a little more on the type of bet and how it works. As I say, a trixie involves 4 bets on 3 teams as such...
Lets say your odds were, No 1 - 4/5, No 2 - 4/6 and No 3 - 8/11
Your bets are 1+2
So, bet one = (at my stake) £75@4/5 = £135, then £135@4/6 = £225
bet two = £75@4/5 = £135, then £135@8/11 = £233
bet three = £75@4/6 = £125, then £125@8/11 = £216
bet four = £75@4/5 = £135, then £135@4/6 = £225, then £225@8/11 = £389
Therefore your return from this bet, as you see, would be £1063, less the stake of £300, which would leave a profit of £763 on this particular bet.
In my experience, and I have done extensive research on this, 7 out of every 10 bets are full winning bets, or, overall an 70% success rate, which guarantees profit levels at the rates I have mentioned earlier.
70% is a very good hit rate, and is the beauty of this system, I have seen many other systems and schemes over the years, although on horses and not football it must be added, and the offer nothing like this sort of success rate.
The other beauty of this system is that it allows you a small safety net, which many other types of bet do not, and, in the final analysis, this can have a biggish effect on your profit statistics at the end of the season.
If you look at my results for the season to date, you will see that there are only 3 occasions where I have lost my entire £300 stake. This is because, either 2 or all 3 of my teams failed to win. I am a little disappointed this season however about this because it is very, very rare for this to happen and is responsible for my average winnings per bet being are around the £600 mark rather than up at about £440
If 2 or more teams do not win, then your money is lost, you have no return whatsoever, but, if one team does not win but the other 2 do, then you still have a return. Taking the bet example shown above, had one team lost, then bet 4 would have been lost, and so would 2 others, but, one of the first 3 bets would remain, either 1+2, 1+3, or 2+3, therefore depending on which team had lost you would still have a return of either £225, £233 or £216, thereby cushioning the loss and, as I say, making a big difference to your final statistics. I only reckon to have two or three occasions during a season where I would lose my whole stake.
And finally...
So there it is, now all you need is go out and put it into practice.
Just follow the instructions exactly to the letter as per the previous sections and you will quickly, easily and effortlessly start to make profits consistently on a weekly basis, just how much is, of course, entirely up to you.
Finally, a list of do's and don'ts, which form a brief and concise review of the items covered in previous sections:
1) Always select ‘odds on’ away teams only, if you are unable to find three, which is very rare, there is no bet on that particular day.
2) Use only league matches within leagues that have been running for at least 6 weeks. Cup matches are far too unpredictable. Try and stick to the higher divisions as these teams have more predictable form.
3) Never deviate from the system shown, do not be tempted by what might seem tempting odds or systems, they never work.
4) If there are 6 selections that fit the criteria, do not stake 2 bets, select 3 teams from those 6, as explained earlier in this publication.
5) Never, ever, chase a loss, whatever the circumstances. This point is priceless!! Simply accept the loss, and remember, it is not the end of the world. This system offers 70% success rate, over any given period you
will make consistent profits.
I would like at this point, as a parting shot, normally wish you good luck but as luck is not required in this instance,
I will simply say "HAPPY BETTING"
so what happens when 1 win, and the other 2 draws? forgive me as i'm totally new to this trixie betting.
ReplyDeleteWhat happens if all 3 are a draw/loss?? This system surely doesn't work...
ReplyDeleteplay with this calculator may help you
What system would you recommend me as far as stability or reliable these one or the ones you sale : €5.99 the laying system or €6.99 over 1.5 football system
ReplyDeletePs: are you the author,of all the posts in. The blog? They are very original good job!
i think people should try and test before dissing his system, i'm going to.
ReplyDeleteJust do a few weeks of paper bets and try it out. If it doesn't work then it doesn't work end of. But you'll never know unless you try!! I personally think it will.
ReplyDeleteFlawed system, odds on away shots are a bookies wet dream.
ReplyDeleteHaha this is complete nonsense however I'm going to have a closer look just incase
ReplyDeleteUsing his rules and the last weeks results and odds from Bet365 for all leagues that met the criteria (at least three away teams favoured to win that day) I got the following results -
ReplyDeleteBet pays out ( 2 or 3 out of 3) 62.7% or 37 / 59
No pay out (0 or 1 out of 3) 37.3% or 22 / 59
Average Profit based on $25 bet / $100 stake - $238.34
Notes - Didn't read his caution about using cup results so several european cups included. Where more then 3 away teams were favoured picked the three with the longest odds. Used a Trixie Calculator here -
Spread Sheet is here -
Shows the odds used but neglected to indicate which were wins.
And of course, this is only a single week's results. Will have to track this for awhile to see if it's reliable. Any comments on the sheet appreciated.
Hi, I just took a look at your spreadsheet, you have omitted the last line England Northern Premier in your sum (for bets on Tue 7th October). It thus ends up with a total trixie net of -192.865025 and a total patent net of -18.1150, thus net losses. On average, betting on the 3 away teams as adviced by the blog, irrespective of trixie or patent, made you lose money.
DeleteThis is clearly a fake post.
good information up there. will have to try it.
ReplyDeleteAre you nuts??? LOL this is a fook it system
ReplyDelete???70% is avery high % of success is it possible?
ReplyDeleteWhat I like about this system is that it gives you a safety net if one team loses. I just am not sure about the away team selection. This can be done on home teams too if the odds are decent.
ReplyDeleteAt the end of the day, it is up to us to select the three winning teams. the author does not help us in this regard.
ReplyDeletePeople, be thankful. The guy shared his experience to help. None forces anyone to do it. Some decency....
ReplyDeletePersonally I agree
Thank you very much for this well balanced content
ReplyDeleteI really like the system. It worked wonders for me. I did read about a certain system though. It think its called the Z-Code. This guy makes a living out of it.. The site is called it out if you wish
ReplyDeleteyou need odds of at least 2.00 for all 3 selections... picking 3 away teams to win, when their odds are at least 2.00 is not going to work long term... you need all 3 to win to pick up a profit, but if you get 1 selection that loses, you break even... this is a really rubbish system, sorry
ReplyDeleteIt's just another strategy probably worth trying for small stakes.
ReplyDeleteBettingslip Blogspot
This strategy wont work out. We must always know how to bet with good strategy all the time.
ReplyDeleteTop 6 best betting football strategies
Don't condemn before you know.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteWhat I notice a lot of you guys don't realize is that he doesn't use any odds greater than 2 in the example. You need to pick the safe odds lower than 1.9. Which gives you just a little bit less than you put in, if only 2 games are won. Then you get around 3,5 back if you win all. (since you won't lose more than 1 unless in rare cases with odds like that, then i would say it could make you a profit in the long run)
ReplyDeleteHas anyone tried this system out yet?
ReplyDeleteAs i am not much aware about the online betting, but the given information is really very helpful. Thanks a lot. online betting malaysia
ReplyDeleteTrying it now, I'll post how I get on.
ReplyDeleteAre you still using this system to date?
ReplyDeleteThere is a full analysis of this system here:
Great set of tips here, I'll have to try this out on Bet Code for my next few football bets and see if I can do better!
ReplyDeleteGreat set of tips here, I'll have to try this out on Bet Code for my next few football bets and see if I can do better!
ReplyDeleteWhat's better odds 6/5 or 8/13?
ReplyDeletewhere to bet
Anybody with negative comments should try this first, I found this site on Saturday and it paid off twice in 2 days but as the author says it takes time and pick the right teams away from home
ReplyDeleteWow this blog is wonderful i like reading your articles. Stay up thhe great work! You realize, lots of persons are looking around foor ths info, you could aid them greatly.betting tips football
ReplyDeleteWow this blog is wonderful i like reading your articles. Stay up thhe great work! You realize, lots of persons are looking around foor ths info, you could aid them greatly.betting tips football
ReplyDeleteWow this strategy really works! I've won big for a few times already. Thanks to the author for putting this up! :)
ReplyDeleteHow do u know which team is gonna win?how do u pick those teams.every bet player knows that especially soccer is fully unpredictable.
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing these strategies,..
I could be wrong but so far in the 2015/16 EPL season I've found 4 weeks that qualify (3 away teams at odds on or better) and lost the entire stake twice, made small losses on the other two. From what I know the value tends to lie in home dogs in football...
ReplyDeleteBacking odds on teams away from home has 0% chance of ever being profitable longterm! Its laughable
DeleteGreat blog, keeping me from working. All the Best
One of the worst that things I have ever wasted my time reading in betting terms! This has a 0% chance of ever being profitable longterm! Absolute laughable!
ReplyDeleteSome things work for some people and for others not. Betting involves risk and in theory nothing is profitable long term.
ReplyDeleteThe question is if you can make some money from betting. I wrote the 50 to 50000 betting system and you can download it here for free:
The method that this system follows is the way i make money from betting by creating similiar systems for various betting events.
If you read the ebook you may say that is not possible the system to be profitable in long term and turn 50 to 50000. It may be like this. But easily can turn 50 to 500, 1000, 2000 e.t.c I named it this way to show the strength that it has.
Many things depend on the persons that using the various systems and the ability they have to follow some rules,to set realistic profit targets and know when to stop and start over again when they make some profit.
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Trying this with real monies 12.50p trixie ..i back home aswell as away and teams i feel are very strong i look at form h2h standings in the table 1 to 3 placed top of table condenders flashscores are great for this ..last 6 to 8 matches form i hve placed at average odds so far are 1.45 to 1.5 or 5/10 odds on..i have picked 4 trixies so far and 2 have lost but returned half of stake as 2 teams won on each trixie and 2 have won returning £ 51 .oo profit and £90.00 pounds profit so £51.00 +£90.00 _ £27.00 _£26.00 =£88.00 profit if had layed one of the trixies on the last leg psv when they were 2.0 up at half time for 10 pounds for £102 on smarkets i would of been in profit a futher £75.00 pounds as in the end it ended 2-2..something else to bare in mind if your last leg is winning 2.0 nil or 2.1 with 5 to 10 minutes to go ect as cash out is not as good ...i will update hopfully at the end of the season if this works..i know i hve changed this system slightly as i hve mixed home and away teams once i throughly look at there form home and away ect
ReplyDeleteSorry i rectifie the bit ifvi layed psv at half time for £10 pounds to return £102 on Smarkets at half time i would of been a futher £100 pounds in profit .
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Yes there is some effort required here to absorb the material but I just wish everything that came out and called itself a betting system could be even a fraction of the quality that this product is. After all, it is quality that that counts in the end and this meets any quality test you want to apply to it. On two or three occasions the system has been closed to new members so that customer support has not been overwhelmed but a waiting list of people eager to get in soon develops again. It is open for new members at the moment so if you want a great system to use on soccer, get in!
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It will not guarantee you a win in every game but it will show you how to minimise any losses on the bad games and take profit over all. I can’t believe that it isn’t being sold for 5 times the current asking price. There is a one-off payment for access to the member’s site for the lifetime of the product that also includes any updates and new information that is produced now and in the future.
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ReplyDeleteМагазин спортивного питания, официальный веб-сайт которого доступен по адресу: SportsNutrition-24.Com, реализует огромный выбор товаров, которые принесут пользу и достижения как профессиональным спортсменам, так и любителям. Интернет-магазин осуществляет свою деятельность большой промежуток времени, предоставляя клиентам со всей Рф качественное питание для спорта, а также витамины и специальные препараты - Спортпит представляет собой категорию товаров, которая призвана не только сделать лучше спортивные достижения, да и благоприятно влияет на здоровье организма. Схожее питание вводится в повседневный рацион с целью получения микро- и макроэлементов, витаминов, аминокислот и белков, а также многих других недостающих веществ. Не секрет, что организм спортсмена в процессе наращивания мышечной массы и адаптации к повышенным нагрузкам, остро нуждается в должном количестве полезных веществ. При всем этом, даже правильное питание и употребление растительной, а помимо этого животной пищи - не гарантирует того, что организм получил необходимые аминокислоты или белки. Чего нельзя сказать о высококачественном спортивном питании. Об наборе товаров Интернет-магазин "SportsNutrition-24.Com" реализует качественную продукцию, которая прошла ряд проверок и получила сертификаты качества. Посетив магазин, клиенты смогут найти для себя товары из следующих категорий: - L-карнитинг (Л-карнитин) представляет собой вещество, родственное витамину B, синтез которого осуществляется в организме; - гейнеры, представляющие собой, белково-углеводные консистенции; - BCAA - средства, содержащие в своем составе три важнейшие аминокислоты, стимулирующие рост мышечной массы; - протеин - чистый белок, употреблять который вы можете в виде коктейлей; - всевозможные аминокислоты; - а помимо этого ряд многих других товаров (нитробустеры, жиросжигатели, особые препараты, хондропротекторы, бустеры гормона роста, тестобустеры и все остальное). Об оплате и доставке Интернет-магазин "SportsNutrition-24.Com" предлагает огромное разнообразие товаров, которое полностью способно удовлетворить проф и начинающих атлетов, включая любителей. Большой опыт дозволил компании наладить связь с крупнейшими поставщиками и производителями питания для спорта, что позволило сделать политику цен гибкой, а цены - демократичными! К примеру, аминокислоты или гейнер купить вы можете по цене, которая на 10-20% ниже, чем у конкурентов. Оплата возможна как наличным, так и безналичным расчетом. Магазин предлагает огромный выбор способов оплаты, включая оплату разными электронными платежными системами, а помимо этого дебетовыми и кредитными картами. Главный кабинет фирмы размещен в Санкт-Петербурге, однако доставка товаров осуществляется во все населенные пункты РФ. Помимо самовывоза, получить товар можно с помощью любой транспортной компании, выбрать которую каждый клиент может в личном порядке.
ReplyDeleteThere is no need for panic, however. Conversely, for the more alpha personalities, there is much monetary loss to be incurred from your posturing in a bid to be the intimidator when you are not familiar with live play. Here are a few tips to ensure you don't lose your paycheck or your dignity when playing poker in actual card rooms: add more
ReplyDeleteНаш веб-сайт рассказывает о новостях бокса и ММА. Читатель узнает о ближайших и прошедших боях - последние новости юфс. Эксперты делятся своими прогнозами на наиблежайшие события, проводят разбор окончившихся поединков. Вы можете прочесть интервью со знаменитыми бойцами и их тренерами. Анонсы ММА, бокса Все предстоящие и прошедшие бои освещаются с подробным разбором, анализом и комментариями спортивных экспертов. Подписавшись на Octagon, вы будете в курсе всех событий в области боевых искусств. Самые достойные внимания, запоминающиеся бои без правил в нашем видеоконтенте. Ознакомьтесь с выводами, разбором захватывающих моментов поединков. Действия, расписание, видео В разделе указано расписание предстоящих боев. Даты, время начала боя вы можете посмотреть на сайте. Предлагается просмотр видео самых увлекательных моментов схваток. Кто не желает заниматься скучным чтением, может изучить видео прогноз. Легкая, юмористическая подача информации очень просто воспринимается и усваивается у подписчиков. Видеоряд постоянно обновляется, предлагается только качественный контент. Биографии, рейтинги боксеров Предоставлены полные биографии знаменитостей, рейтинг UFC. Вы узнаете, каким был путь героя к покорению Олимпа. Приводятся все весовые показатели атлетов. Предоставляется информация о самочувствии боксера до и после поединка. Проводится разборка стиля и техники бойцов. предлагает только полностью достоверную информацию. На нашем сайте вы ознакомитесь и узнаете о всех тонкостях смешанных боевых искусств. Точные прогнозы, достоверные рейтинги - наше главное кредо. Подписавшись на Telegram канал, вы будете в курсе всех новостей боевых искусств. Все последние бои UFC не ускользнут от вас.
ReplyDeleteНаш онлайн-кинотеатр предлагает своим зрителям погрузиться в мир увлекательных турецких сериалов. Портал предлагает обширный каталог многосерийных кинофильмов на любой вкус, а главное, они все имеют русское озвучивание. Мы часто пополняем медиатеку, для того чтобы нашему гостю не приходилось искать новинки на сторонних ресурсах - турецкие сериалы на русском языке. Что предлагает онлайн-кинотеатр своим посетителям? - Полное отсутствие рекламы. Ничего не сможет отвлечь от игры любимых актеров! - Постоянные обновления каталога. Теперь вы не пропустите новинки турецкого кинематографа! - Высококачественное озвучивание - долой русско-турецкий словарь! - Возможность смотреть киносериалы на самых разных устройствах. Дорога на работу теперь станет увлекательной и интересной! - Удобство просмотра. Наш видеопроигрыватель может остановить только низкая скорость интернет-соединения. Портал турецких сериалов создан специально для тех, кто всегда находится в поиске ресурсов, позволяющих смотреть зарубежные многосерийные киноленты без ограничений. Сейчас в вашем распоряжении огромное количество фильмов с отличным качеством изображения и русским переводом. Начать просмотр можно любому посетителю онлайн-сайта без каких-либо ограничений. Но мы все таки рекомендуем вам пройти минутную регистрацию - это позволит вам создавать закладки, оставлять комментарии и обсуждать просмотренные картины с другими пользователями портала. А в случае если вы только начали знакомство с турецкими сериалами, сделать выбор в пользу той или иной киноленты поможет короткая инструкция. Погрузится в мир головокружительной любви, трагических встреч, кровопролитной вражды и опасных игр с самой судьбой поможет наш онлайн-кинотеатр телесериалов из Турции. Приятного просмотра и положительных эмоций!
ReplyDeleteСтавки на спорт с каждым днем становятся все популярнее. У беттеров (игроков на ставках) из Узбекистана появилась возможность делать ставки в национальной валюте на веб-сайте - регистрация Mostbet в Узбекистане. При регистрации в этой букмекерской конторе пользователь выбирает игровую валюту - узбекский сум, русский рубль, доллар либо евро. Всего доступно 19 валют! Играть на портале смогут не только лишь жители Узбекистана, ресурс переведен на 25 языков. Ставки на спорт На веб-сайте Мостбет вы можете сделать ставки на все главные события мира спорта - футбол, баскетбол, хоккей, волейбол, теннис и прочие, включая зимние виды спорта, легкую атлетику и единоборства. Для того, что бы делать ставки требуется пройти процедуру регистрации, которая займет менее 5 минут. Для гостей этой букмекерской конторы доступны ставки до матча (прематч) и в режиме реального времени (Live). Казино В Мостбет вы можете так же сыграть в азартные игры - карты, рулетку и слоты (игровые автоматы с вращающимися барабанами). Слотов очень много - на любой вкус, от традиционных вишенок-клубничек до современного софта с несколькими игровыми полями и бонусными раундами. На Мостбет у игроков единый счет для ставок и для казино. Приложение на сайте Мостбет вы можете скачать приложение для игры с мобильных устройств - планшетов и смартфонов под управлением операционной системы Андроид и iOS. Ссылка для скачивания этих программ имеется в самом верху главной странички. На сайте вы можете внимательно ознакомиться с отзывами игроков. В случае если есть проблема со входом на интернет-сайт, то в разделе «Зеркало» вы можете узнать об других методах входа, в случае блокировки ресурса. Для связи с пользователями работает онлайн чат, в котором вы можете задать любой интересующий вопрос техническим консультантам букмекерской конторы.
ReplyDeleteПортал предлагает посетителям поближе познакомиться с одноименной БК. Интернет-ресурс посвящен описанию главных преимуществ конторы. На проекте гости узнают другие принципиально важные моменты - Mostbet вывод денег. Букмекерская контора для продвижения зеркальных ссылок использует партнерские веб-сайты. Одним из таких ресурсов стал описываемый проект. На страничках портала посетители увидят: - ссылки на зеркала букмекера; - описание БК; - правила работы с конторой; - особенности бонусной политики; - действующие промокоды; - описание способов пополнения баланса; - анализ отзывов о букмекере; - консультации для создания аккаунта. Проект предлагает детализированный «разбор» оператора ставок. Регистрация для использования не нужна. Гость может свободно переходить по разделам, получать информацию. Языковая доступность - плюс интернет-сайта. Русскоязычная версия открывается по дефлоту. Пользователь может установить любой из 23 доступных языков. Описания на портале детальные. Создатели попытались отметить каждый аспект. Для улучшения пользовательского восприятия тексты снабжены скриншотами. Информативность максимальная. Предложенные на проекте ссылки направят игроков на действующее зеркало БК. Это обеспечивает круглосуточный доступ к конторе. Об использовании VPN и других способов обхода санкций Роскомнадзора удается забыть. Ссылки на дублирующий портал Мостбет предложены на каждой странице сайта. Долго находить действующие адреса не придется. Разработчики выпустили мобильную версию сайта. Проект оптимизирован под гаджеты с разной диагональю дисплея. Пользоваться ресурсом удобно со смартфонов и планшетов. Портал не предлагает спортивных ставок и других азартных развлечений. Закрыть сайт регулятор не может. В результате ресурс обеспечивает круглосуточный доступ к БК.
ReplyDeleteРейтинг онлайн-казино включает клубы, предлагающие хорошо продуманную мотивационную программу. Посетителей ожидают разноплановые бонусы — приветственные, бездепозитные, фриспины, релоад. Некоторые порталы презентуют поощрения в, праздникам, ко деньку рождения. Кроме сего топ 10 игровых автоматов на деньги, поддерживают программу лояльности со статусами, позволяющую получить вспомогательные презенты за активность. Одновременно проводятся турниры, лотереи, сезонные промоакции. Благодаря этому посетители выигрывают больше, шансы отлично рассеяться, вложив колличество.
ReplyDeleteВеб-сайт предлагает посетителям ближе ознакомиться с одноименной БК. Интернет-ресурс посвящен описанию основных преимуществ конторы. На проекте гости узнают другие важные моменты - Mostbet приветственный бонус. Букмекерская контора для продвижения зеркальных ссылок использует партнерские сайты. Одним из таких ресурсов стал описываемый проект. На страницах портала посетители найдут: - ссылки на зеркала букмекера; - описание БК; - правила работы с конторой; - особенности бонусной политики; - действующие промокоды; - описание способов пополнения баланса; - анализ отзывов о букмекере; - рекомендации для создания аккаунта. Проект предлагает детализированный «разбор» оператора ставок. Регистрация для использования не нужна. Гость может свободно переходить по разделам, получать информацию. Языковая доступность - плюс интернет-сайта. Русскоязычная версия открывается по дефлоту. Пользователь может установить любой из 23 доступных языков. Описания на портале детальные. Создатели попытались отметить каждый нюанс. Для улучшения пользовательского восприятия тексты снабжены снимками экрана. Информативность максимальная. Предложенные на проекте ссылки направят игроков на действующее зеркало БК. Это обеспечивает круглосуточный доступ к конторе. Об использовании VPN и прочих методов обхода санкций Роскомнадзора удается забыть. Ссылки на дублирующий веб-сайт Мостбет предложены на каждой странице. Долго находить действующие адреса не придется. Разработчики выпустили мобильную версию сайта. Проект оптимизирован под гаджеты с разной диагональю дисплея. Пользоваться ресурсом комфортно со телефонов и планшетов. Портал не предлагает спортивных ставок и других азартных утех. Закрыть портал регулятор не может. В итоге ресурс обеспечивает круглосуточный доступ к БК.
ReplyDeleteВ последние годы известность зарубежных сериалов и полнометражных фильмов бьет все рейтинги. Но где их вы можете посмотреть? В интернете множество онлайн-кинотеатров, которые предлагают просмотр интересных киноработ от зарубежных кинокомпаний - индийские фильмы на русском языке. Большой выбор на любой вкус Но особенно комфортно смотреть зарубежные сериалы и фильмы на сайте На этой платформе представлена огромная подборка самых популярных сегодня фильмов. На площадке можно бесплатно смотреть различные проекты: - турецкие; - колумбийские; - индийские; - бразильские. Все зарубежные проекты на площадке идут на российском языке. Привлекательно не только отличное качество перевода, но и высочайшее разрешение. Многие сериалы и полнометражное кино на сайте идут в формате 720 HD. Широкое разнообразие зарубежных фильмов - одна из особенностей онлайн-кинотеатра. На сайте находятся киносериалы и полнометражное кино в самых разных жанрах. Тут непременно найдутся достойные внимания проекты для ценителей драм, фэнтези, боевиков, комедий. Имеется множество криминальных, исторических, семейных и военных киноработ. В соответствующих рубриках расположены актуальные детективы, триллеры, мелодрамы. Фантастическое кино, в том числе сериалы, вы можете подобрать в отдельном блоке. Такое ранжирование по жанрам очень удобно для выбора подходящего кинофильма. Удобство поиска интересных кинофильмов Еще одна особенность онлайн-кинотеатра заключается в удобстве поиска интересного кинофильма. Каждый пользователь может получить кино, которое выпущено в определенный период. На сайте в отдельных блоках располагаются проекты, выпущенные с 2016 до 2022 годы соответственно. К каждому кинофильму на площадке идет маленькое, но вместительное описание. Благодаря ему каждый пользователь сможет найти конкретно тот проект, что ему максимально интересен.
ReplyDeleteИнтернет-сайт казино Супер Слотс представляет собой хорошее сочетание удобства и функционала. Любой из разделов оснащен опциями, которые будут понятны и полезны любому гостю - мобильное приложение Super Slots. Веб-сайт предлагает пройти легкую и быструю регистрацию. Это можно сделать 3-мя способами: при помощи аккаунта в соцсетях, номера телефона либо электронной почты. После регистрации открывается кошелек для пополнения средств и весь ассортимент слотов. Говоря о доступных слотах, стоит отметить богатую коллекцию онлайн-сайта. Она нередко обновляется и включает как классические слоты, так и новинки игровой индустрии с необычными правилами. Количество слотов на портале превышает 200 штук. Также на сайте показан сектор с широкой линейкой призов. К ним относятся депозитные и бездепозитные призы. Депозитные отличаются различными предложениям в форматах приветствия, кэшбека, турниров и розыгрышей. Бездепозитные бонусы находятся фриспинами, которые игроки получают благодаря промокодам. Промокоды, в свою очередь, это бесплатное поощрение от онлайн-сайта. Они даются бесплатно как новым, так и старым игрокам. Их раздача связана с особенными датами, открытием новых слотов или большими турнирами. С помощью промокодов гости получают все виды бонусов, представленные на портале. Более того, портал предлагает установить официальное приложение. В соответствующем разделе можно изучить мобильную версию, не уступающую в функционале компьютерной. Стоит упомянуть, что для обеих версий идиентично качественно работает служба саппорта. Сайт казино информативен и хорошо спроектирован. Он предлагает огромное количество функций и услуг, которые можно без усилий подобрать в несколько кликов. Тут каждый игрок становится счастливым пользователем.
ReplyDeleteRetivabet - максимально перспективный и удобный букмекерский портал - букмекер Retivabet. На интернет-сайте можно получить разнообразные виды развлечений на любой вкус: казино, букмекерские ставки, игры. Если вы любитель казино, тут для вас предусмотрено все необходимое. Легкий доступ к игровым слотам, карточным играм и рулетке, а помимо этого возможность поучаствовать в турнире. Главная задача турнира - вырваться на лидирующие позиции в турнирной таблице, потому что крупный призовой фонд будет разделен между первыми тридцатью победителями. И чем выше ваша позиция в таблице, тем больший кусок пирога вам достанется. Для ценителей спорта Retivabet предлагает огромный спектр ставок. Здесь находятся не только всемирно популярные чемпионаты и команды, но и новички из разных лиг и стран, что делает результат еще более волнительным и интересным. Футбол, баскетбол, хоккей, теннис, снукер, дартс, скачки, гонки и многое другое, на чем вы можете заработать хорошие деньги. Выбор за вами. Киберспорт также стал неотъемлемой частью букмекерской компании. Теперь клиент может делать ставки не только на Пре-Матчи, но и на игры в режиме онлайн, в любое время дня и ночи. Для того, чтобы стать клиентом огромной семьи Revitabet, требуется пройти регистрацию на интернет-сайте Это не займет более десяти минут, после чего новый клиент получает бонусы от компании, которыми в последствие, может пользоваться на свое усмотрение. Виды бонусов: - Приветственные; - Кешбэк с сумы ставок; - Бонус за серию проигрышей; - Экспресс бонус. Пополнение счета возможно разными способами, что делает это максимально удобным для клиентов. Вы можете использовать для пополнения и вывода денежных средств банковские карты, мобильные платежи, интернет банкинг. Никаких комиссий со стороны букмекерской компании, и даже приятные бонусы за пополнения. Никаких подводных камней, только прозрачно чистое и выгодное развлечение!
ReplyDeleteВ последние годы известность зарубежных телесериалов и полнометражных фильмов бьет все рейтинги. Но где их вы можете посмотреть? В интернете много онлайн-кинотеатров, которые предлагают просмотр интересных киноработ от иностранных кинокомпаний - турецкие сериалы бесплатно. Большой выбор на любой вкус Но особенно комфортно смотреть зарубежные сериалы и фильмы на интернет-сайте На этой платформе представлена большущая подборка самых популярных фильмов. На площадке вы можете бесплатно смотреть разнообразные проекты: - турецкие; - колумбийские; - индийские; - бразильские. Все зарубежные проекты на площадке идут на русском языке. Привлекательно не только отличное качество перевода, да и высочайшее разрешение. Многие сериалы и полнометражное кино на интернет-сайте идут в формате 720 HD. Широкое разнообразие зарубежных кинофильмов - одна из особенностей онлайн-кинотеатра. На веб-сайте представлены киносериалы и полнометражное кино в самых разных жанрах. Тут непременно найдутся интересные проекты для ценителей драм, фэнтези, боевиков, комедий. Имеется множество криминальных, исторических, семейных и военных киноработ. В соответствующих рубриках находятся актуальные детективы, триллеры, мелодрамы. Фантастическое кино, в том числе сериалы, можно получить в отдельном блоке. Такое ранжирование по жанрам очень удобно для выбора подходящего фильма. Удобство поиска увлекательных кинофильмов Еще одна особенность онлайн-кинотеатра заключается в удобстве поиска увлекательного фильма. Каждый пользователь может подобрать кино, которое выпущено в определенный период. На портале в отдельных блоках расположены проекты, выпущенные с 2016 до 2022 годы соответственно. К каждому фильму на площадке идет небольшое, но емкое описание. Благодаря ему каждый гость сумеет найти именно тот проект, что ему максимально интересен.
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If you don't remember this, your car may be stolen!
ReplyDeleteConsider that your car was taken! When you approach the police, they inquire about a specific "VIN lookup"
Describe a VIN decoder.
Similar to a passport, the "VIN decoder" allows you to find out the date of the car's birth and the identity of its "parent"( manufacturing plant). You can also figure out:
1.Type of engine
2.Model of a vehicle
3.The DMV's limitations
4.The number of drivers in this vehicle
You will be able to locate the car, and keeping in mind the code ensures your safety. The code can be viewed in the online database. The VIN is situated on various parts of the car to make it harder for thieves to steal, such as the first person seated on the floor, the frame (often in trucks and SUVs), the spar, and other areas.
What happens if the VIN is intentionally harmed?
There are numerous circumstances that can result in VIN damage, but failing to have one will have unpleasant repercussions because it is illegal to intentionally harm a VIN in order to avoid going to jail or calling the police. You could receive a fine of up to 80,000 rubles and spend two years in jail. You might be stopped by an instructor on the road.
The VIN decoder may help to save your car from theft. But where can you check the car reality? This is why we exist– VIN decoders!
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